Join Us

Hoover Residents, Educators and Business Owners


We are currently looking for those who will join us at the following levels of involvement…Ally and Associate


An ally spreads the word about Hoover-AHEAD and supports our mission and core values.


An ally who attends and helps plan events/activities

Email us at

What does it mean to be an “Ally”…


Understand privilege, acknowledge biases, and be ready to openly discuss them

Do your own research and seek new educational opportunities


Genuinely listen to those from marginalized groups

Listen more and speak less

Accept that you will feel uncomfortable, challenged and hurt


Offer your support

Show up, speak up, stand up

Take guidance and direction from those you seek to support

Respect safe spaces

Be willing to make sacrifices


Acknowledge your mistakes, make amends, and commit to real change (i.e., do the work)

Build your capacity to receive criticism, accept as a gift, as a chance to be better

Ambassadors: Original founding members

Ambassadors (left to right)

Sara McDaniel
April Collins
Bill Singleton
Kristin L. Powell
Miguel Vilchez
Kimberly Gawlowicz (*not Ambassador)
Damian Gilbert
Cherinita Reese (not pictured)
Dilhani Uswatte (not pictured)
Terri Coleman (not pictured)

Special thanks to our friend and ally, Kimberly Gawlowicz: Original Founding Member and Website Developer