Hoover-AHEAD’s 2025 Annual

Black History Month Reflection Contest

Black History is chock full of inspirational figures who have made countless contributions to our country’s progress, and a list of well-known names comes to mind immediately for many of us. But there are also numerous folks whose names are, perhaps, not as familiar to many, though they’re certainly deserving of recognition and admiration, too.

For this year’s Hoover-AHEAD Black History Month reflection contest, we’d like you to choose a lesser-known notable African American of your choosing (perhaps from this list on Oprah’s website, for example) and craft a submission that explores both the important role they played in our country’s history and the way it has impacted all of us for the better.

So 1) choose a lesser-known figure you’d like to learn a little more about yourself, 2) dig in and do some research about them, and then 3) craft your submission, which could be an essay (up to 1,000 words), a piece of artwork, a song, a poem, a digital/video presentation, etc.

The contest is open to Hoover residents ages 8 through 17, and final submissions must be made (using the form below) by 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, February 16th, 2025. A committee will review submissions and announce winners by Feb 28, 2025, and we will award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place cash prizes (of $100, $50, and $25, respectively) to the highest ranking submissions in each division (ages 8-12 and ages 13-17)!

The contest will culminate this year on March 9, 2025, with a Black History Month Community Celebration, featuring Birmingham’s Poet Laureate, Salaam Green. Winners of the Reflection Contest will be recognized and awarded their prizes prior to Ms. Green’s presentation.

Best of luck with your submission, and please don’t hesitate to reach out to the contest coordinator, Reed Lochamy (reedlochamy@gmail.com), with any questions at all!

And please help spread the word using this link: http://tinyurl.com/HABHM2025

NOTE: Please make sure that the submission (be it a document, video, picture, audio file, etc.) is accessible to our judges (i.e., make sure the share settings are correct for any Google Drive submissions, all online videos are set for public viewing, etc.).